Developing Work 5

I have merged two images into one image. The first of the two photographs show the woman wearing a bright blue scarf around her head with natural makeup. The second photograph is same woman wearing a black scarf and dark makeup. This image shows the audience the difference of how media portrays Islam and how reality portrays Islam. I have used Sara Shamsavaris style which uses bright colourful effects.

I had merged two images into one image again but in a different way. I have taken images of the fire and a sky because the sky is a peaceful thing and fire is more of a bad scary thing. I then edited the images and overlaid the fire with the black hijab and sky behind the peaceful photo.

I have made the improvements from the developing work because the other one has too much in it and the background is not really nice, which is not related to peaceful colours. So i have changed the background and added more focus in it.

I don't like this image because i didn't cut the woman's arm properly so I will do improvements to cut around the woman properly and the newspaper properly. I could change this by using an old and ripped newspaper in the background. 

I really love this image because i was trying to show the audience that in the mirror is the woman showing who she really is. I put the image overlay with the media image.This image is very powerful and strong. It's vibrant. I think this is similar to Hassan Hajjaj style because he uses frame and I use frame. In the future, I could put the frame border around the mirror. 

Again there are two photographs in one image. There is a peaceful and colourful woman on the left and there is a black and white woman on the right. I used Manal-Al Dowayans style which hides womens faces and I used Sara Shamsavaris style in the use of colourful effects.

This is very powerful image because it has got strong words on the hijab. These words portray what the woman is trying to say, "don't judge me by my hijab but judge me by whats in my head", this is very powerful and makes the audience think, wonder and I also think its very emotional. I used Manal Al-Dowayans style as he tries to hide woman faces which is same as my photo.

This is two images on top of each other which portrays thoughts from the media (black and white) and the reality (colourful). I did this by putting squares of positive and negative on the woman's face. This image looks really good because it shows me the Islamic people are fighting over the negative images. I used Sara Shamsavari and Manal Al-Dowayans style. In Shamsavaris style, I zoomed into the face and it's colourful. In Al-Dowayan style, I used black and white.

I really like this image because it's a very strong image. Some people think wearing hijab or jubbah means they are terrorists but i'm trying to show the audience that it is not. It's just worn to stop attention from men. It's bold and I like the way her eyes are because it's bold. This is similar style as Manal Al-Dowyan which uses black and white and also uses veil.

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